Friday, April 8, 2011


Hi friends.

I'm sure that the few of you who follow this blog have noticed that I haven't been posting for a couple of weeks now. Well, there's a couple of good reasons for that. First, we were all sick. I mean SICK. Snot by the bucket loads kind of sick--that's a lot of snot in a six person household! Funny how you just don't feel like dressing up when you feel like crap.

Just about the time we all started feeling better, our little world was turned upside down--in a good way. About a week and a half ago, we got a call from DSS asking if we were interested in taking in another kid. At first I was a wee bit skeptical.....until they told me the child was a 3 week old baby girl! What!!??! I just knew that I couldn't pass up the opportunity, especially if she were a child that could become adoptable one day. After all, finding our little girl forever child is (hopefully) our end goal. We just had to say yes, knowing that the risk(and the insanity that would come from having 4 kids under 7 wreaking havoc on our home)is worth the reward.

After work Ian and I went to pick her up from the hospital where she had spent the first few weeks of her life in the NICU. I have never seen such a small baby in real life. I was almost afraid to hold her--funny right, being as I've had two of my own. The moment I met her I was in love! I have been blown away by how quickly I have become attached to this little girl. I have thanked the heavens for her everyday, and just hope and pray that she will be able to stay with us. If there is a god or any kind of justice in this world, she'll be able to stay.

So, I'll get back to posting more regularly once life feels a little 'normal' again. Until then, meet Allison:

Please keep your fingers crossed for her health and happiness.

Until then....